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Get Rewarded For Your Opinions

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Squeezed against the door of the MRT, with her smartphone in her hands, Sharon was mindlessly scrolling through her Instagram feed for the upteenth time while commuting to work. There were only so many pictures of her friends’ meals and cute cats that she wanted to see. Refreshing her feed and even switching to other apps did nothing for her. She had even watched all the recommended videos on YouTube—twice!

That’s why when her friend sent her a link to a paid survey platform, Sharon jumped on the opportunity and signed up. After all, her friend informed her that she didn’t have to pay for anything for the privilege. A few minutes after she filled in her application, her phone dinged with an email notification to her first survey.

By the end of the week, Sharon completed a few surveys and was able to redeem her first voucher and treat herself to a nice meal that was delivered straight to her doorstep! Since then, she’s been diligently filling up paid surveys on Rakuten Insight Surveys while commuting on the MRT or bus, making use of her free time to make some money.

If you’re looking for a way to reduce boredom while you’re on the way to work, why not give our survey platform a try? You could try something new and exciting, give your opinions on news, culture and the world around you, influence key decision makers AND GET REWARDED FOR DOING SO!

Over the past 5 years, we've rewarded thousands of our members
with vouchers from merchants like Grab, NTUC, Dairy Farm, as well as cash via PayPal.
All just for sharing their opinions with us.
Now, we want to do the same for you.

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Hear What Our Happy Members Have To Say

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I’ve been a member of Rakuten Insight Surveys for over 5 years and what excites me the most about their platform is that I get to exchange my opinions for cold hard cash! Not only is it easy to use, but there are many surveys for me to choose from. So if you are looking for a side income to make some money, be sure to sign up! I’ve already redeemed close to 10 vouchers amounting to more than $500. I’ve also referred many of my friends who’ve made money off the platform.

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Alicia Cho

Member since 2013

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Initially I joined their survey platform just to kill some time, since we were in the Circuit Breaker period with nothing much to do. After a while, I realised that doing surveys is quite an enjoyable hobby. It just so happens that I get paid for doing so. Some of the surveys are quite intriguing and cover a wide range of topics, which allows me to pick and choose the ones that I am knowledgeable about. Most of the time, I choose to redeem my points for cash (via PayPal). Definitely recommended!

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Martin Limo

Member since 2020

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While it’s only a short while since I’ve joined as a member of Rakuten Insights Survey, I’ve already earned more than $150. Every morning, I get an email notifying me that of the new surveys that I can participate in. The surveys are always interesting, sometimes even startling, but most of the time it makes you share your point of view. It is now part of my daily routine and I look forward to the emails every morning. I would highly recommend it, if you want a hassle free way of making a small side income.

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Cindy Tan

Member since 2020

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Are You a

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Working professional trying to offset that unavoidable taxi ride expense last week? Perhaps you have some time on your commute and nothing better to do than to re-watch the same old YouTube videos again.
Struggling student saving to impress your crush on an unforgettable date. Or maybe you just want to buy a gift for your parents or loved ones to surprise them?
Tired housewife or house husband with too much time on your hands while your kids are away at school and all the chores are done? Maybe you tried to find a part time job for some side income, but you need flexibility in your schedule?
Energetic retiree who wants to make some money on the side to fund your hobby? How about sharing your opinion to make the world a better place and get paid for it?

WE WANT YOU! As long as you’re a Singaporean aged 16 and above, we have surveys (and money) for you!

Grab vouchers from our partners for all your travel and daily necessities. Come back often as we bring onboard more forms of vouchers to maximise your rewards!

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4 Simple Steps

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Do I need to pay for any membership or sign up fees?

Absolutely not, membership is really free. Put away your credit card, we do not charge you to sign up, or do the surveys. In fact, you’ll be paid to share your opinions with us. Earn money while you’re commuting or trying to kill some free time. Spend that money however you like!

How can you pay me for taking the surveys?

It’s good to be concerned about being paid for surveys, especially since you’ll be sharing your opinions with us. How we can keep the membership free AND still reward you is because our clients pay us to ask for your opinions. We share this fee with you in the form of various vouchers and PayPal transfers, and keep a portion of the fee to fund our operations.

Is your platform safe?

Yes, quite rightly so. While getting paid for your opinion might seem too-good-to-be-true, we actually value your opinions, as well as the security of your information. Our systems are protected by state-of-the-art security protocols, and we do not disclose any personal information to third parties. In fact, we follow not just the PDPA standards in Singapore, but also other standards like the GDPR in Europe and more.

How do I know if I’m eligible to sign up?

It’s simple, really. As long as you’re living in Singapore, and are 16 years of age or above, we want you!

How will I be paid?

You’ll have a choice of receiving your rewards as cash (via PayPal) or as vouchers for the various merchants that we’ve partnered with. Feel like ordering food delivery? Get the Grab vouchers! Feel like buying groceries for your family? Go ahead and get rewarded in NTUC / Dairy Farm vouchers, or be paid in cash so you can treat yourself!

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Hear What Our Happy Members Have To Say

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Living in the east side of Singapore, it takes me some time to commute to work. Ever since I joined Rakuten (Insights) Survey, this means the time that I would normally spend on YouTube videos, I now get paid for. Every month I would earn enough money to offset some of my travel expenses or have a nice meal. Two thumbs up!

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Kerine Ong

Member since 2014

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I’ve responded quite quickly to the surveys sent to me, and frankly, I’m quite pleased that I joined Rakuten Insights Survey. The vouchers that I opted for were promptly sent to me. What I liked is that I received quite a number of surveys (though a friend of mine got even more surveys and got paid more) and the surveys are always interesting. Would I recommend Rakuten Insights Survey to my friends? Definitely! I would just like to have more surveys.

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Jaren Chen

Member since 2019

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Who Are We?

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We are an online survey platform operated by Rakuten Insight Global, Inc. Our parent company serves various businesses, universities, and organisations from all over the world with market research with a focus on the European, USA and Asian markets. <.span>

You will join our valued group of members who hail from all walks of life and your responses to our surveys are vital to our partner organisations in making the world a better place. So you not only get paid to help out, but also the satisfaction of improving the world we live in, one survey at a time.

Join us today!

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Contact Us

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138 Market Street, #32-01, CapitaGreen, Singapore 048946

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